Wednesday, October 1, 2008

25 days to go!

Hello all!

First off, a HUGE thank-you to the Kreiders for donating $200!!! You boosted us so close to our goal, we can almost reach it!

And now the final push: 25 days till race time. Will everyone help us surpass that goal?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From Stockbridge to Scotland...

So... I'm leaving the farm... I have a really great job in Scotland and I finally, last Monday, after 10 weeks of trying, got a visa. So I am leaving on October 6 and am super excited!!!
However, as with most transitions, there are also a lot of bittersweet realities to leaving everything behind to go on adventures... For me the participation in the marathon is one of those things. I had planned on running the Loch Ness Marathon, but because of the visa holdup, I won't be in Scotland in time for that. And I won't be here for the Cape Cod Marathon. So here's what I'm going to do -- I plan to continue running in Scotland and plan to run in support of Gould Farm in my very own homemade marathon with one runner on the Isle of Mull... And I also hope to train through the winter there (wish me luck) and run officially in the Edinburgh Marathon in May. If you are interested in knowing more about that when it comes around (or interested in knowing what I'm doing in Scotland) feel free to visit my personal blog:
Regardless, thank you for your continued support of the farm and the marathoners who are still doing lots of good hard work in training for the races. Blessings to you all!